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Jantzen, B. (forthcoming) “Symmetry and Causation: A General Theory of Biological Individuality,” Minnesota Studies in Philosophy of Science. (preprint)
Aung, E., N. Abaid, B. Jantzen. “Recovery of dynamical similarity from lossy representations of collective behavior of midge swarms,” Chaos 33 (10): 103114. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0146161
Kannan, H., B. C. Jantzen, B. Mesmer. “A formal approach to identify inconsistencies in
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Jantzen, B. “Scientific Variables,” Philosophies 6 (4):103. https://doi.org/10.3390/philosophies6040103
Shea-Blymyer, C., S. Roy, & B. Jantzen (2021). “A general metric for the similarity of both stochastic
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Kannan, H., G. V. Bhatia, B. L. Mesmer, & B. Jantzen (2019). “Theoretical Foundations for Preference
Representation in Systems Engineering,” Systems 7, 55. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems7040055
Roy, S., M. J. Shirazi, B. Jantzen, & N. Abaid (2019). “Effect of visual and auditory sensing cues on
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Jantzen, B. C. (2019) Dynamical Symmetries and Model Validation. in Algorithms and Complexity in Mathematics, Epistemology, and Science 153–176. (preprint)
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Roy, S. and B. Jantzen. (2018) “Detecting causality using symmetry transformations,” Chaos 28 (075305): 1-11. (offprint)
Jantzen, B. (2017) “Entities Without Identity: A Semantical Dilemma,” Erkenntnis 84(2):283-308. doi:10.1007/s10670-017-9958-3 (preprint)
Jantzen, B. (2017) “Kinds of process and the levels of selection,” Synthese. doi:10.1007/s11229-0171546-1. (preprint)
Jantzen, B. (2017) “Cyberwarfare,” in Joseph Pitt & Ashley Shew (ed.), Spaces for the Future: a Companion to the Philosophy of Technology, Routledge. (preprint)
Jantzen, B. (2016) “Discovery without a ‘logic’ would be a miracle,” Synthese 193(10): 3209-3238. (preprint)
Jantzen, B. (2014). “Projection, symmetry, and natural kinds,” Synthese, doi:10.1007/s11229-014-0637-5. (preprint)
Jantzen, B. (2014). An Introduction to Design Arguments. Cambridge University Press.
Jantzen, B. (2012). “Peirce on miracles: the failure of Bayesian analysis” in Jake Chandler and Victoria Harrison (eds.), Probability in the Philosophy of Religion, Oxford University Press.
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Jantzen, B. (2009). “Peirce on the method of balancing ‘likelihoods’.” Transactions of the
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Jantzen, B. and D. Danks (2008). “Biological codes and topological causation.” Philosophy of
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Jantzen, B. and T. Eisner (2008). “Hindwings are unnecessary for flight but essential for
execution of normal evasive flight in Lepidoptera.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(43): 16636-16640. (offprint)